Epic Titles in BO2

7 Jan

So I have being playing some game types just to get the title you get for getting the master on them and is totally worth it, for example I got the Domination one which is a shark shooting a gun with the letters “A, B, C” in the background in red meaning the objective names.

I have also gotten the Sharpshooter one which I like the most it is a golf yard in which it appears a golf bag (where you put the clubs, etc) filled with weapons and some falling out for me thats the best one and the one I most like.

I am also working in the Sticks and Stones and Gun Game one which I am pretty close of, the Stick and Stones one looks almost the same as the Sharpshooter one but with a purple bag and with a Crossbow, Ballistic Knife and Combat Axe one, the Gun Game one is the one I really want, in the background theres like a Trivia question saying “Call of Duty” and in front of that a box with tons of weapons and ammo.

The 4 Groups of gametypes are easy of getting the master title its just two challenges (50 wins and 50 first, second or third place which are the same so if you win 50 matches you will get it except if you get the same amount of points as someone but more deaths then it will count as lost.

They are fun and easy to get, you lose some stress on dying and raging and instead calming yourself down and getting experience and titles while doing it.




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