My favorite guns + golden guns

24 Dec

So I have being permanently changing of guns to discover one that I like and in the process I have being trying to get the SMGs in diamond I’m 2 away of it (Chicom and Vector) which I HATE I don’t like those two guns at all. The best guns or the ones that I most enjoy are the PDW-57 ( as always) and the MSMC I have both in gold and the MP7 as well, which I also liked but the others are better.

The PDW-57 is the one that I prefer, it has a very low recoil and 50 clip size which allows you to spray much more and avoid the permanent need of reloading, you will also have 15 extra bullets with extended clip, it takes 3-6 bullets to kill (short and long distance) Unlocked in level 4. An amazing “720 fire rate (900 with rapid fire)” COD Wiki.



The MSMC is also an amazing gun it also has a low recoil, a 30 bullet mag (40 with extended clip) It also takes 3-6 bullets to kill but it may sometimes kill in less shots at long or short distances. Unlocked in level 28, with the same “720 fire rate (900 with rapid fire aswell)” COD Wiki.


The MP7 has a higher recoil but it is still almost nothing, it has a 40 bullet mag (54 bullets with extended clip)  ) It also takes 3-6 shots to kill but has a lower body damage at short distance 4 bullets to kill when the others just need 3. The thing is that and 3 bullets if short distance headshot. Unlocked in level 4. An incredible “900 fire rate (1200 with rapid fire)” COD Wiki.


In general the MSMC is better than the rest but I still prefer the PDW-57 damage is higher in the MSMC but the PDW-57 has bigger mags so both them are almost the same (take in count ALMOST the same) I recommend all this three guns because of their damage and qualities but I personally would recommend the PDW.

I’m back + BO2

24 Dec

Sorry for not posting anything recently, I have been away, I went to France and when I came back I totally forgot of posting stuff.

I will now continue posting tips, tricks and recommendations.

But what I have being doing is playing more Black Ops 2, I am now prestige 3 level 27 and I’m already starting to get mad in this game, there are some things that Treyarch MUST fix spawns which sometimes are HORRIBLE but in general its a mixture between good and bad in general thats what really makes me mad but also in Hijacked Dom for example the ability of spawn trapping so easily and avoiding you from getting out of there, dying like 10 times in a minute.

The thing is that I can’t complain too much cause everybody does it and its not illegal, still I like the game and it hasn’t been out for too long so we will have to give Treyarch the opportunity of changing them and making a fair game, hopefully they wont make spawns like MW3’s were…  Meanwhile I have being playing more Zombies trying to get to high rounds and also some PES and Black Ops I.




3 Dec

I use PS3, for me it is much better than XBOX first you don’t have to pay for internet that teenagers will be able of using and not wasting money to use a console which you already payed for, and second the durability my PS3 is two years old and it is in total prefect conditions but the Red Ring of Death from XBOX can destroy your 1 week XBOX!!

So if you aren’t sure of what console to buy i personally recommend PS3.

If you want to add me my name is JuAcOx1313 

My first prestige

3 Dec

So I just prestiged  and I got this prestige award thing it gave me three different choices:

Fresh Start: Allows you to start back again from level 1.

Refund: It gives you back all the Unlock Tokens you had won to use them in unlocking different stuff.

Extra CaC Slot: Gives you an extra create a class slot. 

I used The extra Create a Class slot because it is the most useful one.

It also gives you a Permanent Unlock Award which allows you to choose any gun that you will unlock and allow to use it from level 4 onwards in every prestige.

The best part of prestiging is that you don’t lose anything of your weapons you keep the camo, atachments, level of the weapon, challenges, everything is kept and passed onwards so there is no need to be afraid of losing your precious camo.

What you do lose is the ability of using any weapon at any time and you will have to unlock it as level up on the prestige.

So as a conclusion for me it is totally recommendable to prestige and even helpful to you as a gamer so don’t be afraid and just do it!!

My first golden gun

3 Dec

As it was to expect my first golden gun is the PDW-57 I still think that it is the best gun of the game well or one of the best.

Now I started to use the Skorpion EVO, it is a fully automatic submachine that has the fastest killing time in the whole game. It has a 32+96 mag and 42 with extended mags. It is a total BEAST when using rapid fire but your ammo drops very quickly which won’t allow you to make multikills or survive close combat situations because of reloading. Another problem is the high recoil in long distances which is very high and difficult to control. Most people use the laser sight to increase accuracy while hip firing but I personally recommend Foregrip and Red-dot or suppressor (your choice) One good point is that it has a very fast normal reload so it is not that important to use Fast Hands, though it is probably and obligation to use Scavenger on it if not you will ran out of ammo immediately.

Perks I use for the Skorpion are:

Lightweight to flank enemies faster and also to run from them.

Scavenger to always have ammo and being permanently replenishing more.

Dexterity so that you are always prepared for them to come and have the first shot.

Hopefully this tips will help you and make you change your classes.



How to get Diamond camo for a gun in BO2 + Black Hat PDA

29 Nov

Getting Diamond camos is an extremely difficult mission, you will have to get every weapon of a class (Submachine guns, LMGs, Shotguns, Snipers, etc) in gold camo which means that you will have to complete every challenge from a weapon type class. Then when all weapons are in gold you will have the option of putting diamond camo in all your weapons (from a certain category)

The black hat is  THE BEST equipment in the game, ii hacks every enemy equipment and destroys equipment such as: UAV. Counter UAV, Guardians, Sentry guns, Dragonfire, AGR (In one use) Stealth Helicopter, Escort Drone (In two uses) Warthog, Lodestar, VTOL Warship (In three uses) It hacks enemy C4s, Claymores, etc and takes them to you so that now you can blow up the C4 or get a kill with a claymore. It has an incredibly large range that means that you will be able of taking enemy claymores miles away. It also hacks enemy equipment threw walls which means that no Bouncing Bettys or Claymores will kill you while people are camping, while using black hat it is very useful to use Engineer to see the enemy equipment. Thought the range decreases a lot while using it threw walls.

I totally recommend using the Black Hat and it will change A LOT how you play black Ops 2.

GameStops in America

27 Nov

One of the best shotguns in BO2

26 Nov

The R-870-MCS (Remington) is as single fire shotgun that has a good range and kills a l most all the time in one shot, shotguns get camos by making one shot kills so it will be easy to get them. It has a 8 bullet mag with 24 reload (11 with extended mags) Unlocked in level 4, being pretty good for the level its unlocked, recommendable for easy kills and agressive players.

With this shotgun you won’t have to preoccupy A LOT in long shots because it is almost a sniper taking in count its a a shotgun, so long barrel attachment (unlocked with level 3 gun) will help a lot in longer shots.

The kill streaks I would recommend wouldn’t be very high taking in count you will have to be close to the enemies exposing yourself in more situations.

In Perks and equipment I would chose:Lightweight (running faster), Fast Hands (reloading faster to attack enemy quickly while reloading) , Dexterity (aim faster to be prepared if passing corners. In equipment stun grenades, concussion grenades and shock waves will help to approach enemies that are not in your range of fire but you can still use the one you want, in lethal you can chose because it depends on how you play the game which equipment you will need.

Hopefully this tips help you decide in which shotgun to use, but still the KSG is very good, it is your choice!!!

Black Ops 2 Create a class. What I think.

25 Nov

If we are talking about creativity Treyarch blew up our minds in the Create a Class. Despite only primary weapon camo, now pretty much everything can have it, secondaries (all of them) now can have several different attachments and even get into gold. What I personally still can’t believe is the knife now can have camo and all my time is dedicated to get it in gold. Primaries are able to have two attachments without perks and even three with Wildcards that give you different abilities and advantages the list is very long featuring and has anything you can imagine:

-Primary Gunfighter: Gives you the ability of having three attachments on your primary.

-Secondary Gunfighter: Your secondary weapon can now have two attachments.

-Overkill: Change your secondary weapon for a primary one.

-Perk 1 Greed: You can have two 1st perks selected.

-Perk 2 Greed: You can now have two 2nd perks selected.

-Perk 3 Greed: You can now have tow 3rd perks selected.

-Danger Close: You can have two lethal equipments.

-Tactician: Change your lethal equipment for a tactical equipment.

Lethal equipment hasn’t changed and still features: Grenade, Semtex, Tomahawk, Bouncing Betty (from MW3), C4 and Claymore.

Tactical equipment is the different one there are a bunch of different choices featuring the typical: Concussion Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Tactical Inserction, EMP Grenade and Trophy System (both from MW3)

and the new ones are: Sensor Grenade, Shock Grenade and Black Hat.

In Perks pretty much all are the same but with different names but the good thing are:

A. Ghost is unlocked in level 55 (max level) which avoids camping.

B.There are not overpowered perks cause good perks have been separated and made different perks.

Black Ops 2 Zombis

22 Nov

Zombis in this game is much more different from Black Ops, the legendary Kino der Totem is gone and now we were left with unknown maps, with the Ray Gun and Galil as a reference of the best of the best. As the levels go on zombis start coming more and more better and better, so then is when the game really starts. Black Ops 2 Zombis are the best of the game and they are keeping up Treyarch and their selling games, so zombis rule C.O.D

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