Tag Archives: Golden

My hate to the Chicom + Crossbow and Riot

7 Jan

Remember my road to diamond SMGs?? Well I just founded the worst part of it this gun is so bad I even do headshot hitmarkers, I tried almost all day long trying to make headshots but I couldn’t I left it like in the half and I stopped. I will still be using it because I have to get the diamonds but it wont be today.

After that I went to Stick and Stones and realized how good I was with the Crossbow so today I got golden Crossbow!!! 😀 It looks totally amazing and if you put Dual Band or ACOG it will be like a giant golden block it is awesome!! I also started to use the Riot Shield and try to get it in gold but.. It so slow how it attacks the Riot Shield it is extremely difficult to kill someone whit it so I made like 50 kills with it and I stopped to continue playing Stick and Stones cause I wanted to get the Stick and Stones mastery title. The best part is that I started using both of them today!!!

Once I get the horrible Chicom in gold I will have finished my diamonds challenge and will continue with the Ballistic Knife in Gold to get both Crossbow and Ballistic Knife in diamonds!!

Golden Crossbow


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